Showing 8 Result(s)

Children With Growing Pains and How to Help

How many of you have had kids complain of growing pains in their legs? Kids expressing pain with tears in their voice before bed? But what are growing pains and how do you help or stop them? Mayo Clinic says this about growing pains: Growing pains are often described as an ache or throb in the …

What are Die-off Symptoms and Why Do I Feel Worse?

You are sick and tired of being sick and tired, so you do a total diet clean up. You have heard how wonderful everyone feels when they cut the sugar, gluten, processed foods and other inflammatory foods. So, you throw all the bad foods in the garbage. but after a short time on a clean diet, you are …

Thyroid Problems – What Most GPs Miss

Thyroid problems are at an all time high. I don’t think a week goes by without having a new patient come in who is taking some form of thyroid medication. According to the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, more than 27 million Americans suffer from thyroid problems… Wow, that is a lot of people! And …

Do You get Enough Potassium?

May 17th, 2020|Articles| Only 2% of American adults regularly get the daily recommendation of potassium. Yes, it’s common not to get enough nutrients but 98% not getting enough potassium is a lot. And I was one of them for a long time! I was getting more than most people but not as much as I …

Can The Pill Mess with Your Immune Response?

April 23rd, 2020|Articles| There is a lot that women don’t know about their hormones and how endocrine disruptors, like birth control, can impact their hormones. Many don’t realize that estrogen is more than one hormone and all of their hormones need to be in delicate balance for a healthy immune response. Oh wait. You didn’t know that birth …

How to Reduce Sugar Cravings

April 30th, 2020|Articles| It isn’t easy to kick sugar to the curb. Food and sugar can have a strong pull on us, both physically and mentally. Food is emotional! When I was a kid, I would go visit my Grandpa at his bar and he would always give me a Kit Kat and a Coke. …

8 Tips for Better Sleep

May 9th, 2020|Articles| Sleep isn’t just for the lazy and it’s critical for health that we get better sleep. We all need a solid night’s rest regularly because there is no gold medal for the person who gets the least sleep. In our fast-paced society where people neglect to take care of their priorities, many people …


FEBRUARY 20, 2017 How many times have you found yourself sitting at the desk staring at the computer only to realise hours later you have not moved and your neck, shoulders and back have all tightened up? A sedentary lifestyle is becoming more common in our society and now there is new research linked to …